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Church Groups


Baptism Group


The Baptism Group prepare for the celebration of Baptism. They meet the parents and grandparents in the Sacred Heart Church for a Prayer Service and Reflection. The service lasts for one hour and is usually held once a month on a Monday night. If you have a child for Baptism please contact the Parish Priest.


Father M Mc Gourty

Telephone : 028 68628600

Mobile : 07966847831


Sacred Heart Church Choir


This choir was formed in 1978 under the direction of Mrs Una Magee. The present director is Mrs Aideen Mc Girr who is also organist. They practise weekly and at present they lead the music for the 11am mass on Sundays.


Contact Number : 02868621273


Sacred Heart Church Junior Choir


The Sacred Heart Church junior choir play instrumental and traditional church music in folk and contemporary style. New members welcome 14 years and over.


Contact Details : / Mobile number : 07889674791


The John Paul II Award Group


The John Paul II Award group is for young people aged 16+. Get involved in parish and social activites. 


Contact : Mary Donnelly

Telephone : 02868622309


St Joseph's Young Priests Society


The St Joseph's Young Priests Society is a society of lay people whose purpose is to foster vocations to the priesthood and religious life and to assist financially in the education of students for the priesthood. The branch meet on the first Monday of each month at 7pm.


Contact : Seamus Doris (President)

Telephone : 02868621294


Sacred Heart Church Altar Society


The Sacred Heart Church Altar Society has 52 members who work in pairs on a fortnightly basis. The members are responsible for looking after the altar and sanctuary area of the church. They also maintain, clean and iron the the altar cloths / linens used at mass. The altar servers robes and priests vestments are also laundered regularly. They also provide flower arrangements for specific church occasions e.g. Christmas and Easter.


Contact : Miss Sinead Mc Garrity (Secretary)

Telephone : 028 68621386


Contact : Mrs Gay Mahon (Treasurer)

Telephone : 028 68628052


Legion Of Mary


The Legion of Mary is a voluntary lay Catholic Organisation whose objective is to give glory to God through prayer and active servvices.

President : Teresa Chamberlain

Telephone : 028 68628669


Apostolic Society 


The Apostolic Society was very active in Irvinestown from 1963 supplying vestments, alter cloths, albs, hand knit socks and jumpers for the priests on the missions. They no longer require material goods so they now send donations of £200 to each of the following :


  • Medical Missions of Mary

  • Holy Rosary Sisters

  • Kiltegan Fathers

  • Columban Fathers

  • Holy Ghost Fathers


Contact : Agnes Monaghan 

Telephone : 028 68621921


St Molaise St.Vincent de Paul


St Molaise St.Vincent de Paul conference is active in the Devenish area and is led by local volunteers. They respond to need in the community and support comes from the donations of the people.


Co-ordinators : Justine Magee (President), Mary Mc Garrity (Treasurer)

SVP Local helpline : 07738838205



Pioneer Total Abstinence Association


They want to promote temperance in the parish through a monthly meeting.


Contact : Ann Scallon

Telephone : 028 68628040


Eucharistic Ministers


There are 50 Ministers of the Eucharist in Devenish Parish. The Eucharistic Ministers offer communion to other members of the community at Mass, or bring communion to those who are unable to attend Mass.  They assist the celebrant at Mass in sharing the sacred Body and Blood of Christ. The Eucharistic Ministers act on behalf of the community when they bring communion to the sick or housebound.


Contact: Anne Molloy, St. Paul's P.S.  

Telephone :028 68621133



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